Employee Satisfaction Survey 2024

28 mei 2024

In recent months the employee satisfaction survey of Henri Willig has been conducted. Some 500 employees were asked to give their opinions about working at Henri Willig. The results are to be proud of and still on the rise compared to previous years:  

Work content = 8.3 (on a scale of 10)
Teamwork = 8.0
Engagement = 8.2
Sustainability / CSR = 8.4

Of course, the world at Henri Willig is not perfect either so there are some things we can work on to improve. 

For instance, we now also visit our shops and other departments on a monthly basis to ask our new colleagues about their experiences during the application, pre-boarding and onboarding process. We take these findings into various process optimisation projects. 

The candidate and employee journey remains a continuous improvement process for us. For instance, how do you experience our working at website? We are curious! Give your opinion via app or phone on +31 634645684.